This was premiered at the Old Fitzroy Hotel Theatre, Sydney, in May 2008, directed by Mark Pritchard and performed by Sophie Webb and Adam Kennedy.
I had been working on something born out of Shakespeare’s Timon of Athens for a while when, prompted by my friend and fellow writer, Van Badham, I condensed and finished what I had into a lean two-hander.
In it, Timon is an art dealer who has given away plenty of charity, only to find nobody there to support him when the tide turns. Breaking down at a party, he disappears. His 16-year old daughter, Alice, has no family, but instead is taken in by Alan, Timon’s closest friend and accountant. Alan and Alice’s relationship however turns into something else…
A bit of a dig at the ‘industry’ side of the charity industry, and our ideas about our own personal altruism, this play also heavily uses video, inspired by all the video that was integrated into Gone.